VSight Remote for AKYAPAK

Monitoring Assembly Lines in AKYAPAK through
VSight Remote Assistance

Augmented Reality (AR) is already used in various areas in production engineering. In addition, this technology applies as an assistance system for many assembly processes. Including here planning, assembly design, and the maintenance of machines.

VSight Remote with its AR tools helps the technicians of AKYAPAK to get all process relevant information directly on site. Thus the interruption of different processes is as short as possible. The visualization is done by streaming live videos and audio elements. Additionally, VSight Remote links at real-time the contact center with the field where the work is in process.

VSight Remote facilitates skill transfer for addressing assembly and maintance of large machineries.


Showing process-relevant informationof assembly lines is an important taskin different processes for AKYAPAK.During these processes is required anextensive knowledge of the usedmachines and their control systems. Issues that technicians might facecould cause delay of these processes.


VSight Remote supports AKYAPAK technicians with dissolved virtual instructions for assembling or repairing a machine tool. Technicians can see where a part has to be applied and which tools are needed.


VSight Remote connects contact center experts to technicians that provides all instructions showed inthe right order and at a real-time. Therefore, technicians can alsomaintain machine tools which are unfamiliar. No time consuming fortraining is necessary because the required knowledge is recorded and it can be used at a later time.

For more difficult issues, predefined instructions may not be sufficient. Accordingly, in this case, knowledge of the expert is necessary. So, VSight Remote Assistance for AKYAPAK can solve this issue. Specifically, the maintenance expert from the contact center accomplishes technical support to a maintenance operator on-site. Additionally, the expert has the ability to share files such as 3D objects, PDF, or image sharing. Therefore, this allows effective communication among users. VSight Remote has several elements for creating AR-based instructions (e.g.highlighting components or marking dangerous zones that help on reducing exposure to incidents, human errors, and breakdowns).

Real-time two-way audio and video capabilities provided by VSight Remote, allow technicians of AKYAPAK to make annotations that remain stable on the shared scene.

VSight Remote instantaneously helps to diagnose and solve issues, while costly expenses of moving skilled experts from site to site are drastically reducing.

In maintenance and assembly tasks the technicians act mainly with hands. VSight Remote offers a high impact on helping technicians performing their tasks hands-free.

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