In this engaging webinar, we explore the wide-ranging applications of augmented reality and smart glasses in the industrial sector while staying updated on the latest trends. Our special guest, Göktuğ Uyan, Technical Support and Service Training Manager at Anadolu Isuzu, shares invaluable firsthand experience and insights, addressing questions from our audience.
Göktuğ Uyan, Technical Support and Service Training Manager
İsmet Özmen, CTO and Co-Founder at VSight
Kerem Arıtürk, Regional Sales Manager at VSight
About Anadolu Isuzu:
Anadolu Isuzu is a joint stock company open to public in the partnership of Isuzu Motors Limited and Itochu. Its main functioning areas are production and marketing of commercial vehicles such as light trucks, trucks, small buses and pick-up.
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